just shut your trap!

Posted by eye_spy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:57 AM


Why is that some people deny their age and pretend that they are this young. Not that they look old or that they are old but they just want to let you believe that they're stuck with that age. For instance, this person sitting next to me is already 25 but she pretends that she is still 23 and she makes a big deal out of it that she talks about it almost everyday. I guess that's one of life's ironies, everyone wants to live long but no one wants to get old. But the thing is, if you are aging gracefully I think that's one thing you should be proud of. Not everyone lived their lives happily and not everyone gets the chance to live that long you know.

And what's with others pretending to be someone they're not just to earn a reputation. A false reputation that no one believes and yet they continue to live in their own version of La La Land. Sad really that they have nothing else to show off but the fancy things they have. Maybe I'm just annoyed at myself because for some reason I just don't have the guts to tell them to get lost or to choke on their spit.

As to why I'm ranting again, I don't know. Maybe I'm just bored or that I'm worn out. Or maybe I'm just tired of the crap that those people tell me. It's either they're too dense to see that I'm not interested with what they're saying or it's about time that I tell them on their face to just shut up.

it's just one of those days.

Posted by eye_spy | Posted in , | Posted on 3:10 AM


I hate it when it rains.

and the green eyed monster strikes again...

Posted by eye_spy | Posted on 9:09 AM


"Despite being an annoyance, do believe that there is someone out there who will love the monster in you and would just hug you when you are about to mutate."

I don't have any idea who said that but will my "someone" please show up now? Like really right NOW?! I just saw two PLUs at McDonalds sharing a serving of fries and so as not to be obvious, they were holding hands under the table. Blah! The green eyed monster sprang to life that instant. Quick, give me a hug!!